Integrity Mold gives you peace of mind from design to execution to delivery | Click here to learn more.
Integrity Mold is located in the Dallas/Forth Worth, (DFW) Texas metroplex and specializes in building close tolerance, small to medium size, plastic injection molds and die cast tooling up to 36x48".
Our programming and mold designs are done in house with Mastercam CAM software and SolidWorks CAD software. With our powerful 3-D computer system we are able to read and create 3-dimensional surfaces. From these surfaces we are able to generate full 3 axis cutter paths which are sent via a direct link to our machining center.
Integrity Mold uses Cincinnati's Arrow Series 2 VMC-1000 Vertical Machining Center, which has a massive 40 inches of travel in the X-axis (left to right).
Our Agie® Elox® Mondo Star™ EDM has a large work tank and allows true lights-out, unmanned 2nd shift, 3rd shift, and weekend operation.